Taking the supplement is very simple. Make sure to shake the bottle so that the ingredients are well combined. Squeeze the rubber part of the dropper to obtain the supplement amount. Release the supplement under your tongue hold for 1 minute, swivel around mouth and swallow. You can repeat this process up to 3 or 4 times per day.
There is currently not enough research available to safely conclude that our liquid supplement is safe for use by children. Please consult your doctor or pediatrician.
There is currently not enough research available to safely conclude our liquid supplement is safe for use during pregnancy. Please consult your medical provider.
People who are allergic to any of our ingredients shouldn’t consume this product. Please consult your medical provider.
Our product is shelf stable. If used frequently our product can be stored at room temperature but if you plan to not use our product regularly once opened, we recommend refrigerating the bottles to increase longevity.
Any medical related questions are best answered by your medical provider.